Studio Discussions
In-depth discussions will provide the most important foundations for our work together. These can take place in your studio, at an exhibition or wherever your art originates, be it physically or conceptually. As an experienced, independent art professional I am in a position to discuss the form and content of your works with you. Together we can explore your artistic ideas and develop plans for the interpretation and mediation of your work. I will gladly conduct any research needed either before or after a meeting.
Each studio discussion will be documented for future reference, taking account of materials, processes, and outcomes. Recordings in a variety of media (words, images, sound) and additional, specially researched material will become a chronicle of your work, which I, as curator, will compile, order, and archive. I can also provide a keyword index of my written notes and, if so desired, all the unedited photographic, audio and video materials. Records of this kind can also be invaluable in the initial organisation of an artist’s estate.
Our studio discussions can also become the basis for the publication of documentary materials. Following our meetings I will provide materials such as short video and audio clips, original quotes and short texts ready for publication online and on social media. On request, translations of these can also be provided. The dissemination of materials–which you are also free to pass on to museum, galleries and art dealers–will reinforce your growing reputation.